Wednesday, August 15, 2007

And she will be known as....

Meet Stella. She is 5 weeks old. She is a fawn Pug.

What's so cool about Stella (I mean besides the fact that she is super-duper cute and she is a Pug)?

SHE IS OURS and the newest addition to the Pug Life family!

Yes, meet our new baby! We don't have her yet as she is too young to leave her Mommy Pug. She was born on July 10th and we get to bring her home on the 29th!!!! Whoop-whoop!

Now everyone, of course, thinks Stella is beyond cute . She is a fuzzy-wuzzy rolly-polley ball of happiness that I can't wait to hold and cuddle and play with. BUT, when I inform anyone that she now belongs to Mikey and I, the reaction is usually "WHAT! WHY? ARE YOU CRAZY?!". I guess I am a little bit crazy...okay, more than a little bit. But, like Dr. Leo Buscaglia said, "...and if you think I'm crazy, that's wonderful, because when you think I'm crazy, that gives me lots of leeway for behavior."

So crazy it is. When Mikey and I brought Guinness home, it was (in no particular order as I was sleep deprived and can't remember how it all went down) days and days of sleepless nights, whining, cleaning "puggy spots" on the carpet, feeding, chasing, lots of "No Puggy! NO!", more cleaning of "puggy spots" worrying, teaching, training, crying (lack of sleep and frustration) and a few trips to the vet. Yes, all this as well as one pair of brand-new boots, a pair of sandals, two pairs of glasses and various other "chewed beyond repair" items.

Along with all those frustrations and trying puppy times came tons of puppy kisses, belly-laughs (he is such a clown), tail wags, cuddling on the couch and infinite amounts of unconditional love and company. It worked out. Plus, he is there going crazy, wagging his tail and waiting for kisses every night when we get home. Ahhh, The Pug makes me happy!

It was this total uncontrolled excitement upon arriving home every night that made us realize something...The Pug was lonely. He sat in the window when we drove away in the morning and I felt so bad because there he was, one to play with or curl up to take an afternoon nap with in the warm sun. The Pug needed company. And what's two Puggies when you already have one? I know...more insanity, but also more love, more laughs and above all more company.

So there's the why, what and are you crazy of it all.

I am crazy -have always been and always will be. The only difference now is one word - Stella.


Tammy Chomiak-Robson said...

Stella is so so cute! I got so excited reading thinking that I could possibly see her on Friday evening and then I read more...not until the 29th...Oh well. I think its awesome you guys are getting her and I always think the more the merrier, and Guinness will love her.

Tracy Guest said...

Thanks Tams. We are pretty stoked! Although, I am not looking forward to going through the "puggy puppy" destructive and training stage again! I just started sleeping again!

Regardless, she will be loved so much!

kal said...

Triple YAY for puppies. Love them. LOVE them so much.

Stacey Chomiak said...

That is so exciting!!!

Stella and Guinny. How cute!

Hey, two is better than one, more fun, more cuddles, more puggy power!

Bill Garnett said...


Thank you for your thoughtful comment on my blog.

My sister coincidently raises pugs. Her webiste is here.
