Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bringing home the baby!!!

Hailing from Miami, Manitoba, weighing in at a whopping 2.5 pounds, measuring maybe four inches at the shoulder, she's the beast with the razor sharp teeth, THE MONSTER PUUUUUUUGGGG.......STEEEEEELLLLLLLLLAAAAAA!

Stella's finally here! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!

She is so much smaller than I thought she would be - in fact, she's TINY. Guinness looks like a giant compared to her. She is doing quite well, eating like a machine, defending herself against her big brother and sleeping quietly - at least this afternoon. It was a rough night. She woke me up whimpering every two hours or so and then it would take about an hour to get her back to sleep. I guess it is much like a baby at night, but at least with a baby they stay in one place, they don't run around like a crazy person and they don't leave "Puppy Spots" all over the carpet. I think I have gone through a half can of Spot Shot and a roll of paper towels in just 15 hours. Ugh.

Well, there she is. The new addition. I'll post more pictures later. She is sleeping right now and I could use a nap too!


kal said...

SO super cute. She is so much tinier than I expected. Wow. Very, very cute. I can't wait to meet her. We're babysitting a Boston this weekend so I am getting reacquainted with small dogs.

Tracy Guest said...

We almost got a Boston, but found Guinness first! I love them all! We should totally have a dog meet up sometime (and it would rock to have coffee with you too)!

Kim said...

She is so so cute!!! My goodness - and so wee! too bad she is probably also wee-ing all over everything (harty har har). That is nice that you got Guiness a friend. I am wondering if I'll have to do that for Jethy once I go back to work. He is terribly attached to me now. If we go to the park and I tie him to the stroller so Holden & I can go play - he whines and cries. Poor baby Griffy. Ugh I have a headache so won't write much more but hope you are well & hope to hear from you soon!! I have sent muchos emails (well a couple)! Love K

Anonymous said...

Stella Artois! She's super tiny compared to Guinni the giant. Very cute.

Wyliekat said...

Too cute for words! What a little dearlin! Guinees looks like he's settling into big brovahhood pretty well . . .

Stacey Chomiak said...

She's so Stella-rrrriffic cuteness, I cannot handle it!! Just a little pug bundle!!!

Awww :)

Congrats Traceroni!!