Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bring it!

What a good night. Stacey and Tams came over. We drank coffee ate Jeanne's marble cake with vanilla ice cream and played Wii sports!!! I boxed Tams into oblivion (heh heh), but Stacers remains the undefeated World Lightweight Champion of the World...okay, not the world, but she rocked the Wii Sports boxing!

They are leaving for Oakville, ON next weekend and I am so grateful they set aside one of their last few evenings left to spend with me! They are both Graphic Designers just like me, but Stacers is living her dream and studying Animation at Sheridan in Toronto. Her passion and motivation are absolutely amazing and she busts her butt everyday to get what she wants. You go Stacers! Pretty much the best ever!!!!!!!

Their visit last night made me realize how awesome it is to be blessed with good friends. You know, the kind of friends you can be away from for a while but when you see them again, it's like you never left. You just pick up where you left off and it's like nothing changed. Kinda like family - friends that become your family. These are the type of friends who never make you feel guilty, who celebrate your achievements with you and overlook your shortcomings. They always find ways to make you feel celebrated, appreciated and genuinely cared for. Over the years I have been so fortunate to have gained a circle of these friends who I carry with me all the time -my people. There's one from Elementary school, a couple from Junior High and High School and a few from my "adult" life. (Am I an adult? Really? No, I'm gonna fight it! I will never grow up! I don't wanna and you can't make me!) I don't know if these people know how truly important they have been and are to me, how they helped me to become me. You know who you are so here it is - THANK YOU! Ahhh...good good "MY PEOPLE" those who are not me, but are like me and that I love so much!

Speaking of my people, tomorrow marks the beginning of a couple of insane and stupid-busy weeks! My parent's (and my Beagle-brother Murphy) are coming in from Saskatchewan tomorrow. My cousin is getting married next Saturday so there is much to do. We are going to help my Aunt make all the tortes and cakes for one heck of a dessert table -mocha torte, schmoo torte, cheesecakes, cinammon torte - I am gaining weight thinking about it. She caters specialty desserts and since it is her daughter's wedding, she is going all out sweet crazy! My mom's brother and his family are coming in on Wednesday to stay with Mikey and I too, so in total, we will have 6 adults, 2 cousins, 2 dogs, the dust bunnies I didn't have time to clean and one full liquor cabinet! ACK! Oh yeah, and I have to find time to go to work all week too! My parents leave next Monday, I have one day to catch my breath and then it's time to bring our baby STELLA home!!!!! Sheesh, if anyone has some extra sanity to lend me, please forward it on!



Stacey Chomiak said...

Traceroni fizziloni!!

Yes, that night of wiiiiiiii and cake and chattiness was fab, thanks for having Tams and I over!! Even though it's getting crazy busy since we leave Sunday, we HAD to set aside some Tracers time, fo' shayzee!

You know you are one of those great friends that I always feel relaxed around, that we can have a big serious convo one minute and then do a crazy cupping shriek-fest the next.

I love ya Girlie!!!

Tammy Chomiak-Robson said...

So you will be happy to know that after the very fun night of Wii, that my shoulder was SO SO sore....but it was worth the fun of swinging my arms madly into the air.

Trace you are one of the bestest people in my life. You truly make me feel safe and okay to just be me. You are a HUGE blessing in my life and I look forward to a lifetime of fun and friendship. Never stop being you - your awesome.

And how else would the oh-so-famous "Tamara-Dawn" song be without your input.

I love you Trace!

Unknown said...

I love Jeanne's cake! You go girls!