Thursday, July 5, 2007

Speaking of Beginnings...

I have started a "mural" (for lack of better terminology -it's more just a design) on the wall in my studio. As Mikey said, it is kind of "Nightmare Before Christmas-ish" which I don't mind at all because I love, LOve, LOVE the backgrounds, sets and artwork in ALL of Tim Burton's movies!

I was really trying to find something cool to put on my wall that would inspire me, make me want to create and at the same time make me think. WAIT! Before I go any further, I have to say it is pretty awesome that Mikey actually agreed (with little persuasion) to let me paint on the walls in the house! It's pretty much the best thing ever!

Okay, now on with the wall things. They are supposed to represent fern fronds. In Maori symbols and designs, the fern frond (Koru) represents life, new beginnings and life unfolding. The stylization of the Koru in its many forms represents the spirit of rejuvenation. I thought it would be perfect in this room as it's all about renewed spirit and creative ideas. It is also a great reminder that as many negative things happen and surround us, there are always new beginnings. This year, I don't think I will be crowned "Miss Happy Sunshine Girl 2007" so anything around that can renew the spirit and remind me to breathe and see all things new and good, is a bonus.

Not finished, but will be soon. I'll post new pics then!

Okay, now as I sit here finishing this post, Mike and The Pug are having a "wresering" match on the bed. The poor Pug has now been victim of a choke-sram (choke slam), full nelson, half nelson and finally a Sooprex (Suplex) and a Puggy Press! At least at the end of the day I am laughing!!!


Wyliekat said...

Now that is gorgeous! So jealous. More than jealous - wondering why it is I've not heard any offers of muraling other homes . . . ;-}

Tracy Guest said...

Let me mess up my own first...and then, for the one time only, low, low price of $199.95 I can paint a colorful dot in your very own home!!!

Mike Dumka said...

Puggy Wresering ... What about the great brack breaker mover ... or Guinness's famous Bicep Bite!

Tracy Guest said...

Oh yes, the patented Bicep Bite! I guess I missed that one. Was that before or after the "Puggy-copter"?

kal said...

I love it! Who doesn't love Pugs?! Adorable. Adorable. Adorable.

I have a giant mural in my home. Actually - I'm just about to paint over the 7 foot tall hibiscus flower that pretty much owns the upstairs.

What's next? I've just started an 8 foot tall 9 foot wide turtle outside.

Go murals go.