Thursday, July 12, 2007

Whatcha Thinkin' 'bout

Kal (the awesome [i] Love Life girl I talk about) had a post, or maybe more of a challenge, on her blog:
"Think of three things you like about yourself and write them down. If you're a blogger - POST THEM. I'm encouraging a little self love. We need it."
Why is this always so hard? I mean every time someone asks me what I like about myself, I have one helluva time finding something to say. You wanna talk about things I DON'T like? That's easy, I could go on all day. It seems like I am not the only one as in the last few days I've heard "If only I was [thinner, more talented, less boring] then I would be happy" or, "I wish I had [more money, nicer hair, a cuter smile]." You know, I even notice that it is insanely hard for people to accept a compliment. Even when you tell someone how nice they look, or how awesome their cooking is, I find the usual response to be a quick "thanks" followed by some negative comment about whatever it is you complimented them on. Okay, people, just take the compliment! I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it! BLAAAARRRGH!

Okay, here I go. Three things I like about myself............

1) I am creative.
I love to paint, draw, write, photograph things, tell stories and take everything one step further! Sometimes it gets outta hand, but it makes me happy! The best part about creativity is that it isn't something you can learn from a text book or a class. You can learn to draw or paint or use words properly, but feeling the need to create things (the "Creative Bug") and use your imagination is something you are born with! Celebrate it! Use it! It is something so individual and no one can take it from you!

2) I am a good friend.
I like to treat my friends like family and my family like gold. I think that without friends and family to share your life with (the good and the bad), it all would be pretty meaningless and lonely. To have friends to lean on is so important and I want to be there for everything great as well as all the tough crap we all deal with!

3) I work hard.
worth having or doing is worth working hard for. If I am going to put my name to it, it's gonna be the best that I can do. Whether it's the new flower bed in my front yard or the challenging project at work, I always dive in and work at it. Is there such a monster as "good enough"? No! If you say "it's good enough", then it's not the best you can do and you have to work harder. It's goes for everything in life! Hard work is the only way to feel that sense of accomplishment that can be sooooo freeing!

Wow, that was harder than I thought. It's so weird to live in a hugely negative world and try to switch your brain to think of only positive things - especially when it is about you. Now that I shared, you have to share. If you are reading this, you HAVE to write down three things you like about YOU. I AM NOT KIDDING! If you want to leave a comment here and share with me, awesome! If you want to email me, cool! If you don't want to do either, at the very least write it down somewhere. It's not the same just to think about it, you have to write it down and read it.

Just do it, you'll see. Kal is right, we need it! Thanks Kal!


Unknown said...

well, you're right... that is quite the challenge and I'm gonna just jump right in and post it for all your readers to see...

1. i'm strong - when the going gets tough i don't (usually saving the breakdowns for after the fact when nobody can understand what's the matter with you)
2. i'm loyal
3. i love deeply - my network of friends and family may not be that large but i give them all of me

now i would like to pass on a compliment here and say that you, my dear tracy, are not only the good things you listed but you also share those qualities i have listed above. seeing them in you makes me try harder to manifest them myself. so thank you!

Tracy Guest said...

Thanks Kimmy for the awesome comment! I am so glad you wrote this here! I wish we would all take time more often to think about the good things that we all are.

Ginny says "I ruv Auntie Kim! She is pretty much the best Auntie Kim ever! Rrrrufff!"

See, he loves you too!

Anonymous said...

i love your lumpcious bum. yum.

kal said...

I LOVE that you did this! TOO COOL. Thank you SO MUCH. That's a great list of likes. I betcha - if you thought hard you could come up with 30 more.

Good work. Triple Arm Pump to you!