Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Market, The Headache and The Pug

This morning was perfect. I picked my Kimmy up around 9:30 and after a much needed stop at Tim's we were on our way to the St. Norbert Farmers Market! Something I always look forward to - Saturday morning Tim's, Kim and girly bonding time. Ahhhhh.....breeeaaaathheee. I wish the entire day could have stayed nice and cool like this morning. It was so quiet, calm and refreshingly cool. The market was filled with shoppers and browsers of all ages. I was pleasently suprised by the number of young people there (yes, people our age - young!). Too often we forget about these wonderful places and are stuck in massive grocery stores and malls. It's almost like going to raid Grandma's summer garden, except Grandma's not there and she never made me pay for the young Borscht beets, the dill, fresh tomatoes or the tiny red potatoes. But, with all the fresh garden goods, homemade jams, jellies and pies, and the energetic burst from the Corner Busker's fiddle, it can somehow have the same rejuvinating and deep-breath-catching feeling that the visit to Grandma's always gave me. I got some all-natural no-filler Puggy treats, some French Lavender body toner, Orange Marmalade, butter tarts and lemon poppyseed loaf. What a morning...ahhhhhh. So, so good.

Maybe it had something to do with dropping Kim off and her not being around, but the rest of the day started doing a full-body roll down a grassy park hill from then on - and not in the good "I am seven years old at recess and race-rolling down the hill" kinda way.

The headache from hell started and all I could do was sleep. Woke up, still there. Oh, The Pug's here, good Puggy, good good Puggy. You're tired too aren't you? You're hot too...Puggy, do you have a fever? Ugh, head hurts. Sleep some more...drift in and out....The Pug is moving...what the heck is he....OH MY GOD! Puggy! No!

The headache is gone. The Pug is sick. Poor Pug. After a few consulting phone calls, a trip to the Emergency After Hours Vet, antibiotics and quite a few dollars later, he has a bacterial infection in his intestine. I was soo worried, but Puggy will be fine. I was literally almost in tears worrying about him, I can't even begin to fathom how it must be with a child.

Finally, all is quiet. Puggy is curled up in his bed making grunting gurgling snoring noises and Mikey is on the couch doing pretty much the same. boys, my awesome boys. And, at the end of the day, I can breathe again.

1 comment:

Stacey Chomiak said...

I LOVE how you described the market, I wanna go!! Ahhh... so fresh... yep, definitely better than the local Sobeys.

And I am glad to hear Puggy is doing better!! Not a fun happenstance for a weekend day, no sirree bob.