Thursday, July 5, 2007

In the Beginning

I was trying to find a way to start "this whole blogging thing". To be honest it kinda scares me a bit - that whole everyone-can-see-your-life at all times. But, I realized Facebook is waaaaay scarier and only people who I tell about this will read it and even then maybe no one will!

So, back to the start of this...there should be a story to tell to introduce PUG LIFE to the world - something intelligent, insightful and cool. Well...........I got nothin. Not one specific thing sums up everything. I am not sure what "this whole blogging thing" will turn out to be, but I guess I am here now and shall start.


This is The Pug - Guinness. I guess he was pretty much the inspiration for the name Pug Life ( and were already taken!). He was a gift from my Mikey at a time when he knew I needed a pet and some unconditional love. Funny thing is, The Pug likes him more than me!

This won't be written from The Pug's point of view, although, sometimes he may slip in a story or two in about wizzing on the couch, pooing on the carpet or destroying something of mine. He is just one of the characters that will frequent this space. He is a total clown who makes me laugh out loud as well as scream in frustration. He snores, drools, barks too much, farts (oh God what the hell did he eat?????!!!!!), chews, bites, licks, gives kisses, cuddles and best of all wags his little behind like he hasn't seen me in a month when I get home. So there he is...the Pug of my life.

And there it is. The beginning. Nothing much. I am hoping to put some cool stuff on I am working on, cool quotes, books etc. and maybe share thoughts about goings on in life. In short (ha ha, no pun intended), it's gonna be what it's gonna be and we'll see where it ends up. Maybe it will end up like that oh-so-awesome coffee shop/bookstore I have always dreamed of opening...huge over stuffed chairs, homemade warm sweet treats, books worn by over-reading and re-reading, the best coffee always made exactly the way you like it, super soft blankets to cuddle up with, a warm fireplace and good friends and family. Somewhere that you like to be...somewhere to come home to.

Who knows, we'll see.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you're not sayin.... you're just sayin... right?

well, go girl go!!