Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hot Pug in the Summertime

This picture was taken in my parents' back yard. No, there aren't any kids that frequent the backyard to necessitate the Little Tykes inflatable kiddie's for the dogs. Dad bought it for their Beagle Murphy. When we arrived there, The Pug, of course, had to take a dip. So while the humans were sweating it out on the deck, the pups were lounging by the pool. Spoiled, spoiled dogs.

Now that we are home and the hot weather followed us from Medicine Hat (it was 48Âșc with the humidex there everyday!) I think The Pug is wishing he had a pool in his backyard. Poor Puggy.

One thing I realized on our trip is that a week is never long enough. I know now that I took all those lazy school-time summers for granted. Jumping through the sprinkler, eating popsicles and freezies until your tongue was numb, long un-airconditioned road trips (although, my dad tried to convince me the '76 Lemon-Lime Malibu did have 4-60 airconditioning - 4 windows at 60 miles per hour. ha ha Dad) and walking around in your bathing suit all day long. Even now, when I really need to relax and de-stress, I think back to when I used to lay on a blanket on Grandma's lawn listening to the bees buzzing by while the cool breeze passed over me. The smells, the sounds and the feeling of the sun on my skin while I drifted in and out of summer cat naps. Ahhh..... But, needless to say, that was back when you could lay out in the sun and sunscreen only came in SPF 5, 8 and 15!

Today, office fan on high, wearing dress-code appropriate clothing and drinking cold, detoxifying green tea from my thermal Starbucks mug, I hate being a grown-up. I want to eat freezies until my tongue turns purple and goes numb, call all my friends over to open a Kool-aid stand complete with Dixie cups, use the change we make to buy Dicki-dee ice cream and then run through the sprinkler.

I guess summers are for kids - and dogs with kiddie pools!


Wyliekat said...

Gawd did that ever bring back memories for me. Honeysuckle and lilac smells. Freezies. Sheesh.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure you can get a wading pool for just a few bucks at walmart or maybe even the $1 store. C'mon, Puggie deserves it! (Love the pic btw!)

kal said...

DUDE. That is why you need to work at home! I'm on a 15 freezie max per day at my office and Crash and I have been taking turns spraying eachother with the hose. ;)