Saturday, November 24, 2007

Comfort Food

Soft pillows of happiness. It's that time of year again when I turn out two or three batches of perogies in preparation for the Holiday Eating Frenzie my family calls Christmas. Mikey was home sick yesterday so I came home in the afternoon to keep an eye on him and thought it would be the perfect opportunity for perogy batch #1. I pulled out Mom's dough recipe (it's one of those passed down for three or four generations) and went to work. 10 cups of flour, eight pounds of potatoes, a huge block of Old Cheddar, blood, sweat and tears. I made 15 dozen and they are super-wicked-awesome-tasty. Of course Mikey and I had to try a couple for dinner last night....quality testing and control don'cha know. I would like to say they cured his illness, but alas, comfort food isn't a's just that - COMFORT. Yummy, hot, cheesy pillows of comfort.

Mikey's got bronchitis. Hack, hack, hack....sniff.....blow....hack....yuck. Poor thing. He's been sick for over a week now. Everyone is sick at work too. I managed to fight thorough the week without catching the horrible cold...until now. STUPID, STUPID aaaaaaaand STUPID! While cleaning up the kitchen last night, I started to feel that little tickle in the back of my throat. Oh, no! I crawled in to bed with flannel PJ's, a long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt and two extremely hot little furnaces - The Puggies - in hopes of sweating it out before it fully arrived. Guess what? I woke up this morning aaaaaand............I have a cold. CRAP!!!! Double CRAP!!!! Double CRAP ON A STICK!!!!

So, my plan for the day is to lay on the couch and watch a movie with my puggies and my perogies.

Feed a cold? I think that's what it is.


Tammy Chomiak-Robson said...

Trace! I love making perogies! We should make them together sometime. I made a ton last year, they are ALOT of work. I have my Grandma's recipe that sounds very similar to your mom's, I do however have a secret ingredient which I will pass along to you another time. :)

Hang in there and feel better!

Love ya!

Miss V said...

Feed a cold.

And a hangover.

And the flu.

And any day you are generally not feeling groovy.

Feed it. Especially with coffee and chocolate. Or coffee-flavoured chocolate. Or bread. Or anything pastry-related. Perogies with a mountain of onions, bacon and sour cream. Mmmmmmmm.

kal said...

I hope you feel better soon! Mmmmm perogies. You're hard core. My baba sends them to me on the bus!