Saturday, November 3, 2007


Days late, but finally here are the Puggy Halloween pics. Guinness the Lobster and Stella the Lizard. It was a total struggle to get the costumes on them, and an even bigger fight to keep them on. After a bit Guinness didn't really care as he had a new, green, moving Lizard toy to play with. Poor Stella...Ginny thought she was a new toy he could wrestle with.

And how did they really REALLY feel about the costumes?

They were quite happy once they had torn them off and conquered them!

The pumpkins at the top of the pictures were mine. I love carving pumpkins, but by the time I got around to it this year, I was soo tired I kept messing them up, cutting off pieces that weren't supposed to be cut off and eventually having to carve something simple on the opposite side. LAME!!! At any rate, they turned out okay...nothing special like I usually do, but okay.

1 comment:

Tammy Chomiak-Robson said...

Okay I LOVE the top right picture of Guinness and his lobster costume, even through the little space he looks shocked.

They are adorable!