Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Wall of Fern

The wall is finished...for now. Yesterday I FINALLY finished the fern design mural thingy on my studio wall. It feels pretty amazing to actually finish something that I wanted to. I mean I finished four loads of laundry, organized the massive pile 'o' linens and clothing in the basement, took The Pug to get his nails clipped and made homemade chicken soup for the still sick Mikey, but this was something I REALLY wanted to finish. Now, when I sit at my computer, I am staring at the wall I painted on. My wall in my room filled with my stuff. Happy, happy.

Of course, there are things I wish I could change on it and things I still will, but all in all it turned out well.

As I said, Mikey is still sick. He and The Pug are still in bed. It's really nice, every morning at 7:00, regardless if it is the weekend, The Pug thinks it is time to go outside. Usually Mikey takes him, but today I thought I would let him sleep. I put on my Supergirl capris and hot pink flip flops and with my eyes half shut, took Guinness out for his morning walk. As usual, he had to visit every tree. He sniffed and marked and continued on up and down both sides of our block. When he was satisfied that his morning inspection was thoroughly completed we went back inside. By this time, of course, I was wide awake. Crawling back in to bed wasn't going to happen. I had to face it, it was Sunday morning at 7:30 and I was up for good. The Pug ran around for a couple minutes while I searched for my glasses. When I found them and returned to the living room to get my camera, I was greeted by a fresh pile of Puggy Poo and The Pug standing beside it staring at me with the "What?" face.

Stunned, I stood there staring back at him. I didn't even know what to say...until a frustrated half-yell erupted, "I just took you outside!!!!!!! Do you not know how this works?! BAD BAD PUGGY!!!!" I guess he thought this meant it was time to play because he started barking and growling and bouncing back and forth infront of me, nipping at the bottom of my Supergirl capris. It was either laugh, cry or scream as he ALWAYS does this for ME and never for Mike. I did a half laugh-scream and went to clean his mess. By the time I was done Puggy Poo Patrol, he was nestled back in bed right next to Mikey and that's where he stayed.

Sitting here, I can hear them having a snoring/grunting competition...and I am still wide awake.

Sunday already? When did that happen?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

La La La La Lime

I don't know if it's just the heat affecting my brain, but I am still stuck on the "stuff that Kid Summers" are made of. Popsicles. Popsicles were always a lip-licking good part of any hot n' hazy summer day. Since I had the icy treats on the brain, I broke out the colored conté sticks (like charcoal, but harder and less smudgy) and went to work.

La la la la lime.
La la la la lickable.
La la la la lips freeze.

I think I will have to make a quick pit stop on the way home. Mikey is sick and I am sure a box of Popsicles will fix him right up!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hot Pug in the Summertime

This picture was taken in my parents' back yard. No, there aren't any kids that frequent the backyard to necessitate the Little Tykes inflatable kiddie's for the dogs. Dad bought it for their Beagle Murphy. When we arrived there, The Pug, of course, had to take a dip. So while the humans were sweating it out on the deck, the pups were lounging by the pool. Spoiled, spoiled dogs.

Now that we are home and the hot weather followed us from Medicine Hat (it was 48ºc with the humidex there everyday!) I think The Pug is wishing he had a pool in his backyard. Poor Puggy.

One thing I realized on our trip is that a week is never long enough. I know now that I took all those lazy school-time summers for granted. Jumping through the sprinkler, eating popsicles and freezies until your tongue was numb, long un-airconditioned road trips (although, my dad tried to convince me the '76 Lemon-Lime Malibu did have 4-60 airconditioning - 4 windows at 60 miles per hour. ha ha Dad) and walking around in your bathing suit all day long. Even now, when I really need to relax and de-stress, I think back to when I used to lay on a blanket on Grandma's lawn listening to the bees buzzing by while the cool breeze passed over me. The smells, the sounds and the feeling of the sun on my skin while I drifted in and out of summer cat naps. Ahhh..... But, needless to say, that was back when you could lay out in the sun and sunscreen only came in SPF 5, 8 and 15!

Today, office fan on high, wearing dress-code appropriate clothing and drinking cold, detoxifying green tea from my thermal Starbucks mug, I hate being a grown-up. I want to eat freezies until my tongue turns purple and goes numb, call all my friends over to open a Kool-aid stand complete with Dixie cups, use the change we make to buy Dicki-dee ice cream and then run through the sprinkler.

I guess summers are for kids - and dogs with kiddie pools!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Just Ducky

It is raining. I love that I have an incredible knack for stating the obvious.

It's also a good day for DUCKS! Maybe this isn't so obvious. For as long as I can remember, my mom used a few key phrases in specific situations. When she would burst in to our rooms in the morning before school she'd energetically fling up the blinds and chirp (in a VERY high-pitched mom voice) "Rise and shine! Bright Eyes, bushy tail!". Not only did this make you curl tighter in to the cocoon of your perrenna (Ukrainian for a Grandma-made, down-filled duvet) but it made it very obvious that my mom was evil - in a cute chipper way. She knew it drove us absolutely insane, but through the years I think she kept up her morning ritual for that exact reason. She probably turned on heel, had a good mom-giggle, and continued on with her morning satisfied that her children would be so annoyed and grouchy that they couldn't possibly sleep in any longer!!!! AGGGHHH!

So on rainy and grey days, much like the current conditions, my mom would also use one of her favorite lines - "It's a good day for ducks". I wasn't exactly sure why she said this, but I noticed that after she said it, she always took a good deep breath and smiled. When I left home to go to school, I was incredibly homesick and wondering why I had chosen to rip myself away from my family. See, my Dad was in the Air Force and then worked for the Feds, so we moved around a lot. Family was all that was constant for me and home was wherever they were. How could I have left the only stable and secure thing I had known? It didn't help that that fall was particularly rainy and gloomy. But, every morning I would get up to grey skies and pouring rain, I would think "It's a good day for ducks" have a little giggle, take the same deep breath my mom used to and smile. Without even knowing it, she turned the grey rainy blah days in to something that made me smile. Ah, gotta love Mom.

Speaking of Mom and family of the sorts, Mikey and I are off to Regina tonight to start our vacation! It won't be nearly long enough I know, but I am super stoked to see my parents, my brother and his wife, my fur-niece Chloe (the Golden Lab) and my fur-brother Murphy (the beagle). The Pug is going with us, so there will be dogs galore! Rrrrruuufff!

Hope everyone is enjoying the day as much as the ducks!

Play in the rain and GO QUACKERS!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Whatcha Thinkin' 'bout

Kal (the awesome [i] Love Life girl I talk about) had a post, or maybe more of a challenge, on her blog:
"Think of three things you like about yourself and write them down. If you're a blogger - POST THEM. I'm encouraging a little self love. We need it."
Why is this always so hard? I mean every time someone asks me what I like about myself, I have one helluva time finding something to say. You wanna talk about things I DON'T like? That's easy, I could go on all day. It seems like I am not the only one as in the last few days I've heard "If only I was [thinner, more talented, less boring] then I would be happy" or, "I wish I had [more money, nicer hair, a cuter smile]." You know, I even notice that it is insanely hard for people to accept a compliment. Even when you tell someone how nice they look, or how awesome their cooking is, I find the usual response to be a quick "thanks" followed by some negative comment about whatever it is you complimented them on. Okay, people, just take the compliment! I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it! BLAAAARRRGH!

Okay, here I go. Three things I like about myself............

1) I am creative.
I love to paint, draw, write, photograph things, tell stories and take everything one step further! Sometimes it gets outta hand, but it makes me happy! The best part about creativity is that it isn't something you can learn from a text book or a class. You can learn to draw or paint or use words properly, but feeling the need to create things (the "Creative Bug") and use your imagination is something you are born with! Celebrate it! Use it! It is something so individual and no one can take it from you!

2) I am a good friend.
I like to treat my friends like family and my family like gold. I think that without friends and family to share your life with (the good and the bad), it all would be pretty meaningless and lonely. To have friends to lean on is so important and I want to be there for everything great as well as all the tough crap we all deal with!

3) I work hard.
worth having or doing is worth working hard for. If I am going to put my name to it, it's gonna be the best that I can do. Whether it's the new flower bed in my front yard or the challenging project at work, I always dive in and work at it. Is there such a monster as "good enough"? No! If you say "it's good enough", then it's not the best you can do and you have to work harder. It's goes for everything in life! Hard work is the only way to feel that sense of accomplishment that can be sooooo freeing!

Wow, that was harder than I thought. It's so weird to live in a hugely negative world and try to switch your brain to think of only positive things - especially when it is about you. Now that I shared, you have to share. If you are reading this, you HAVE to write down three things you like about YOU. I AM NOT KIDDING! If you want to leave a comment here and share with me, awesome! If you want to email me, cool! If you don't want to do either, at the very least write it down somewhere. It's not the same just to think about it, you have to write it down and read it.

Just do it, you'll see. Kal is right, we need it! Thanks Kal!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

2 Golden Rulz

We've all experienced them. The Starbuck's Barrista who begrudgingly takes your order then rolls his eyes when you take two extra seconds to look for exact change. Or, the miserable receptionist who sighs heavily and glares at you when you request a follow up appointment. The thing is, you didn't do anything to them to deserve the rolling eyes, glares and heavy sighs. They are just like that and if you try to be extra nice to them, they either grunt and mumble something in your direction, or ignore you completely. I have come to the conclusion that they either a)really hate their job b)really hate their life or c)figure the world owes them something. I really hate to be the person to say this, but no one ever said life would be fair or easy. Oh, and by the way, the world doesn't owe you anything.

I am not saying that I am perfect (HA! Not by any stretch of the most creative imagination) or super chipper happy girl all the time. We all have bad days and bad moods, but it is a choice to be perpetually miserable and take it out on other people. And yes, there is a difference between being sarcastic, strong and assertive or being just plain old mean and bitchy.

That brings me to the 2 Golden Rulz. Two really smart people, who I admire and look up to and who did one hell of a job raising a great daughter without an instruction manual, taught me two basic, BASIC rules to live by. My parents are great people who work hard for everything they have, will go without before letting their kids want for anything and who make mistakes, learn from them, grow and move on. Basically, they aren't only awesome parents, they are good, good people who live what they say.

Rule number 1: Treat others as you would have them treat you.
Yes!!!! The Golden Rule. Simple hey? You'd think. That line, or variations of it, was drilled in to my brother and I over and over again. When I gave my brother an atomic wedgie and he cried, my mom said, "Tracy Lee Anne be a lady! How would you like if I did that to you? Treat your brother the way you want him to treat you!" When my brother bit me, my mom bit him back and said "You love it?! Is that how you want to be treated?" And then, when I got payback for something I did to my little bro, my Dad's line was always "You deserve it for [beating, punching, telling on, spitting on, etc.] him".

A fairly simple rule, yet I find more and more often that the idea seems lost in today's society. It's kinda like Karma, do good, good will come - do bad and bad will come. As Justin Timberlake said, "I'm bringin sexy back"...uh....I mean, "What goes around comes back around".

Rule number 2: Be kind to each other
My mom usually says this in regards to family when something isn't quite right or we are going through something. My interpretation of this is that if you love someone, treat them with respect, understanding and kindness. When I think of being kind, I think of unselfish acts of giving or random acts that make a difference in someone's day. It doesn't have to be something huge, but anything that makes someone feel loved and appreciated IS BEING KIND. This doesn't go just for relationships, but for family and friends too. My parents always lived by this. If Dad is coming for a visit and he knows I am having a tough time with something, he stops on his way to pick up flowers for me. Dad also brings Mom a Tim's Large Double Double when out on his Saturday morning paper run....and why? Just because he is kind and he loves her. I think that if everyone did one thing everyday to make a difference to someone, the world would be a much happier place.

After describing these two simple rules, I have to come clean. Sometimes, when I am having a bad day, or storming around complaining about dirty dishes and piles of laundry, I have to stop and listen to my parents in my head (yes, their voices live there along with a few others) reminding me to follow these rules! Shocker!!!! I'm not perfect, I know!

I am not saying that we all have to be dripping with fake sweetness, but if we get over our-bad-selves and realize that things could be way worse, we could relax and enjoy the day-to-day. We all don't like our jobs at some point, we never get enough sleep or downtime or funtime or relaxing time or time to do whatever we want etc., but negativity breeds insanity and unhappiness.

So, I have to say to myself, to the Starbucks' Barista and to the cranky receptionist, "Buck up Sunshine! (thanks Stace for that one) Stop complaining and realize it could be much, much worse than it is."

Suck up and be nice!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Market, The Headache and The Pug

This morning was perfect. I picked my Kimmy up around 9:30 and after a much needed stop at Tim's we were on our way to the St. Norbert Farmers Market! Something I always look forward to - Saturday morning Tim's, Kim and girly bonding time. Ahhhhh.....breeeaaaathheee. I wish the entire day could have stayed nice and cool like this morning. It was so quiet, calm and refreshingly cool. The market was filled with shoppers and browsers of all ages. I was pleasently suprised by the number of young people there (yes, people our age - young!). Too often we forget about these wonderful places and are stuck in massive grocery stores and malls. It's almost like going to raid Grandma's summer garden, except Grandma's not there and she never made me pay for the young Borscht beets, the dill, fresh tomatoes or the tiny red potatoes. But, with all the fresh garden goods, homemade jams, jellies and pies, and the energetic burst from the Corner Busker's fiddle, it can somehow have the same rejuvinating and deep-breath-catching feeling that the visit to Grandma's always gave me. I got some all-natural no-filler Puggy treats, some French Lavender body toner, Orange Marmalade, butter tarts and lemon poppyseed loaf. What a morning...ahhhhhh. So, so good.

Maybe it had something to do with dropping Kim off and her not being around, but the rest of the day started doing a full-body roll down a grassy park hill from then on - and not in the good "I am seven years old at recess and race-rolling down the hill" kinda way.

The headache from hell started and all I could do was sleep. Woke up, still there. Oh, The Pug's here, good Puggy, good good Puggy. You're tired too aren't you? You're hot too...Puggy, do you have a fever? Ugh, head hurts. Sleep some more...drift in and out....The Pug is moving...what the heck is he....OH MY GOD! Puggy! No!

The headache is gone. The Pug is sick. Poor Pug. After a few consulting phone calls, a trip to the Emergency After Hours Vet, antibiotics and quite a few dollars later, he has a bacterial infection in his intestine. I was soo worried, but Puggy will be fine. I was literally almost in tears worrying about him, I can't even begin to fathom how it must be with a child.

Finally, all is quiet. Puggy is curled up in his bed making grunting gurgling snoring noises and Mikey is on the couch doing pretty much the same. boys, my awesome boys. And, at the end of the day, I can breathe again.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Speaking of Beginnings...

I have started a "mural" (for lack of better terminology -it's more just a design) on the wall in my studio. As Mikey said, it is kind of "Nightmare Before Christmas-ish" which I don't mind at all because I love, LOve, LOVE the backgrounds, sets and artwork in ALL of Tim Burton's movies!

I was really trying to find something cool to put on my wall that would inspire me, make me want to create and at the same time make me think. WAIT! Before I go any further, I have to say it is pretty awesome that Mikey actually agreed (with little persuasion) to let me paint on the walls in the house! It's pretty much the best thing ever!

Okay, now on with the wall things. They are supposed to represent fern fronds. In Maori symbols and designs, the fern frond (Koru) represents life, new beginnings and life unfolding. The stylization of the Koru in its many forms represents the spirit of rejuvenation. I thought it would be perfect in this room as it's all about renewed spirit and creative ideas. It is also a great reminder that as many negative things happen and surround us, there are always new beginnings. This year, I don't think I will be crowned "Miss Happy Sunshine Girl 2007" so anything around that can renew the spirit and remind me to breathe and see all things new and good, is a bonus.

Not finished, but will be soon. I'll post new pics then!

Okay, now as I sit here finishing this post, Mike and The Pug are having a "wresering" match on the bed. The poor Pug has now been victim of a choke-sram (choke slam), full nelson, half nelson and finally a Sooprex (Suplex) and a Puggy Press! At least at the end of the day I am laughing!!!

In the Beginning

I was trying to find a way to start "this whole blogging thing". To be honest it kinda scares me a bit - that whole everyone-can-see-your-life at all times. But, I realized Facebook is waaaaay scarier and only people who I tell about this will read it and even then maybe no one will!

So, back to the start of this...there should be a story to tell to introduce PUG LIFE to the world - something intelligent, insightful and cool. Well...........I got nothin. Not one specific thing sums up everything. I am not sure what "this whole blogging thing" will turn out to be, but I guess I am here now and shall start.


This is The Pug - Guinness. I guess he was pretty much the inspiration for the name Pug Life ( and were already taken!). He was a gift from my Mikey at a time when he knew I needed a pet and some unconditional love. Funny thing is, The Pug likes him more than me!

This won't be written from The Pug's point of view, although, sometimes he may slip in a story or two in about wizzing on the couch, pooing on the carpet or destroying something of mine. He is just one of the characters that will frequent this space. He is a total clown who makes me laugh out loud as well as scream in frustration. He snores, drools, barks too much, farts (oh God what the hell did he eat?????!!!!!), chews, bites, licks, gives kisses, cuddles and best of all wags his little behind like he hasn't seen me in a month when I get home. So there he is...the Pug of my life.

And there it is. The beginning. Nothing much. I am hoping to put some cool stuff on I am working on, cool quotes, books etc. and maybe share thoughts about goings on in life. In short (ha ha, no pun intended), it's gonna be what it's gonna be and we'll see where it ends up. Maybe it will end up like that oh-so-awesome coffee shop/bookstore I have always dreamed of opening...huge over stuffed chairs, homemade warm sweet treats, books worn by over-reading and re-reading, the best coffee always made exactly the way you like it, super soft blankets to cuddle up with, a warm fireplace and good friends and family. Somewhere that you like to be...somewhere to come home to.

Who knows, we'll see.