Friday, January 4, 2008


Watch out 2008! I am ready to ATTACK!!!!

So far, the first three days of the New Year have been pretty good. Nothing bad, nothing great and that's fine with me. It's been a simple and even-tempered start to what I know will be a crazy and busy year. But, I AM READY!!!

It seems–as I talk to more and more people–that it's a good thing 2007 is over. As far as I am concerned, good riddance and see-ya-later! It's not that is was a terrible year, there were good things. There were all the firsts with Mikey - first New Years, first Valentine's, first Birthday, first vacation..the list goes on. Then, there were a couple of GREAT things - the PUGGIES!!!! It was just the not-so-good things that made me wish for a "life fast-forward" button just to get through the bad to get to the good. But, I dove in and got'er done.

Those few good things made the year more than bearable, and I am thankful for that. It was the other eight-hundered-thousand not so good things that make me glad it is a new year!!! Welcome 2008!

Should be an interesting year. I am willing it to be a good year. I am shaking of the 2007 blahs and starting fresh and new. I already have freelance work coming out of my ears...which may sound stressful, but it is a really good thing. Maybe someday I will work out of my house on projects I love doing - something I only ever dreamed about, but could possibly become a reality. It's funny how I kept hoping and wishing for a "normal" life - a life without stress, chaos and craziness. Then, the other day, I came across the perfect quote:

"Normal is just a setting on a dryer."

Couldn't have said it better. There isn't a "normal". I can't be "normal" and I don't want to be "normal". Normal is just boring. Say it enough doesn't even SOUND good. So, instead of striving for normal, I will stay different and a little off and strive for happiness and contentment, love and passion, and most of all a life that feeds my soul.

If I will it, it will come.

Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

kal said...

Woot. Sounds good.
Seriously, dude. Just quit your job and live the life you dream of. It's reachable.

(and THANKS for helping me with my project... SUCH BIG THANKS.)