Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I surrender.

I don't have anything left for today. Not one ounce of energy or creativity. I was just sitting here, in my world of corporate beige, staring at my dreaming. You wanna know what I was dreaming about? Nothing. Nothing at all. It was one of those hazy moments where you can't blink, you can't move, you can't think and then all at once you snap out of it and wonder if you were day dreaming or if aliens abducted you and then hours later returned you to the exact same place and position they found you in. Fortunately, it was only a couple minutes and I don't have any mysterious implants or anything that would lead me to believe I was abducted. Although, if I was, that would explain a lot.....

These are the days when a half hour seems like a lifetime. When all you want to do is run screaming from the building because you can't handle being at work anymore. I think I must have been attacked by an awful energy-zapping Brain Sucker who extracted every last brain cell and left me in a mushy pile of goo.

So I thought, "Hey, I should post something on my blog". I tried to think of something interesting to say, or some cool art to create relating to this crazy exhaustion I feel. You know what popped in to my mind? NOTHING!!! Again, nothingness.

I've lost the fight...I give up, I surrender. I am not going to even try to think, create anything or chip away at anymore of Mount-work-pile that is staring at me. I am done.

If anyone knows where my brain is, can you let me know?


Miss V said...

I suggest eating cereal, in your pjs, whilst watching cartoons.

Transformers, the Tick or Animaniacs work perfectly.

Big hug.

Oh, and Ditto. So very, very ditto.

kal said...

YOU need a vacation!

I am babysitting a pug next week so I will be sure to post plenty of pics - just for you. You're a pug maniac!

Tammy Chomiak-Robson said...

Hey Trace - Just don't forget to breathe. Before you know it the day will be done.

Hey are you around this weekend? Stace and I want to call you, I think were getting a kitten tomorrow!

Hang in there, and if all else fails...cup.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is "BAILEYS" in your Venti Americano. and a couple of pug hugs.

Unknown said...

"If anyone knows where my brain is, can you let me know?"

...I ate it. *urp*