Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Blurred Vision

It has become the norm for me lately - time flying by that is. I just remember that as a kid, Christmas seemed so magical and the holiday seemed to last forever. This Christmas especially went so fast that I barely had the Christmas Spirit feeling and then it was all over. But, I got to spend an awesome six days with my family in Saskatchewan. We ate way to much and didn't drink enough, but had an awesome visit. For me, as cliché as it sounds, that's what makes Christmas for me -my family.

So tomorrow starts 2009. I have been thinking about a resolution to make and I have come to a decision - I don't have ONE. There isn't one single thing that I want to put on a pedestal to focus on, but rather more of "wish list" I have for the New Year. Not a wish list as in things I want people to give me, but more things I want to do/work on to become a better version of me (not that this one is too bad, but I know it could be better).

So here, in no particular order are a few items on my list:

Be Happy. I know it sounds simple, but stress, being busy and focusing on the not-so-happy and negative things makes for a less than happy person. I don't want that. I want to be happy. I want to focus on the good, let go of the negative (things and people alike) and be happy.

Pay attention to things I've learned and grow from them. There is learning in every day. Everyone I meet can teach me or show me something. Even the smallest lesson is invaluable. I need to make a list and post it to remind myself of all the things I've learned in my life so that I will never forget and can pass them on.

Make an Effort. I want to make sure that I can say that everything I do is done with great effort and attention. I think that a lot of the time, we (as humans) tend to do things so that they are "good enough". I don't want to stop at "good enough". I want
my learning, my relationships, my paintings, my work, and anything else that I do to be the best that I can make it. Pay attention to detail. Little things matter.

Be Healthier. It hasn't been a fantastic year health-wise for me. Yes, some things beyond my control, but I know somehow, I can make it better. Exercise more, eat better, relax more, sleep more, reduce stress......etc. Just live better. That's all. I only have one time around here and one body to do it in, so I should treat it better, and in turn it will (I am sure) treat me better.

LOVE & GIVE. By this, I mean love all things and give to all who need it (including myself). Oh, and be kind. There is enough in this world to make us all feel bad...there isn't a need to put any more of that stuff out there.

Have Patience. I have such an issue with rushing to and through things and getting frustrated when things aren't going fast enough or happening soon enough, that I miss everything happening now. I am not trying to be a Sappy Zen Goddess, but I know there are things that I miss here and now everyday that I would be so grateful for...if I only wasn't being impatient and getting frustrated. Again, I need to relax and be more patient.

I know, tall order, but all these things I need to be honest about and work that I can be a better version of me.

But, for tonight, I will eat too much, drink a little, laugh a lot and enjoy the last day of 2008 with my fantastic Mikey, my very-much loved Puggies, a nice and fun couple and their two Bulldogs (Shrek and Fiona).

I wish for you all an amazing and spectacular New Year filled with everything wonderful that this life can offer!


(Oh, one more thing for my list - BLOG MORE!!!!)

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