Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Glory. Happiness. I’m happy. Tired, but oh so happy. The quote is right - All glory comes from daring to begin. I think it sums up Mike and I and our life together. Every thing we have and built together began with a leap of faith of sorts. We met at work...I vowed I would never date anyone I worked with. BIG NO NO! I took the leap...and was happy for it. Never mind, that Halloween night in 2006, we had our first date AND moved in together. What was I thinking??? I knew what I was thinking, “Take the leap”. I leaped and landed in something so different and comfortable.

We dared to get our first Puggy – Guinness – loss of sleep, issues and trips to the vet with a HUGE pay off of unconditional love and endless laughs.

We dared to get our second Puggy – Stella – again, loss of sleep, loss of fur, more trips to the vet, and the same HUGE pay off. Plus, Ginny was in his glory with his new companion.

We dared to buy a house and move (this is why I am soooooo exhausted and ready to drop). It’s older, built in 1948 compared to our current 1995 model, but with the beautiful floors, awesome kitchen, big yard and 13 minute drive to work, we will make it our own and be happy there.

And the biggest leap, as of yet...we are getting married! As of last Thursday, Mikey and I are engaged. BIG LEAP!!!! BEST LEAP EVER!!!! Excited? YES! Happy? MORE THAN ANYONE COULD KNOW!

I can’t even describe the last week. Rollercoaster. Exhausted. Over-the-moon-happy-in-love and so tired feel nauseous I’m gonna go over the edge if the insanity doesn’t end soon.

The best thing is though, I am happy. We are happy. Happy together all because we dared to being this crazy thing. Imagine that.

We move on Friday. I am not ready. Three-quarters packed and all sanity gone. I am reduced to a pale, ameoba-like state as I move from place to place on auto-pilot. Work to house to other house, back to first house, sleep, up, work to house and all over again. I can’t think and everything that comes out of my mouth makes perfect sense to me, but is a foreign language to everyone else. Perhaps I’ve tapped in to some ancient form of Cave Language that only the extremely exhausted can recover from their cell memory lost through generations of evolution. Something like “Pita lunch good turkey roast” or “Need sleep please Friday”.

So, if the sentences I write are barely comprehensible, I apologize. But, I’m here, happy and ready to leap.


Miss V said...





So happy for you.

Ahem, I was TOTALLY right. Ahem.


kal said...


Congrats you guy - I'm a huge believer in leaps.

Unknown said...

Holy shit. Congrats on the house, engagement and writing again in your blog. Missed you and thinking of you.
