Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Big Girls Do Cry

I am not afraid to admit, I still cry when I leave my Mom and Dad. Every time. Not because I need to be with them all the time and not because I can’t deal with things on my own. I cry because I miss them. I cry because I have fun when I am with them and because they are two of my best friends and my biggest fans...yes, I like them too. Here’s the thing, I don’t think it is bad.

I think crying is just one of those things I do and it doesn’t make me weak, whiney or fragile. It is just part of me. It’s a way I deal with things. I don’t yell, I don’t stomp around, I don’t tell people off...I cry. If I am leaving my parents after a long weekend and I won’t see them for a while, I cry. If I get frustrated and angry, I don’t yell, I cry. If I am feeling anxious or even super happy, I cry. I don’t think it is necessarily a weakness, but rather a release of emotion. It’s just a way to get out and let go of the stuff that’s inside. Emotions are OKAY!

Which leads me to another point. We really discourage anyone from showing any emotion. I mean, if you are too happy, people are wondering what you have to be so “overly happy” about. If you are kind of melancholy, you must be “depressed” or “have something going on”. I really don’t get it. For anyone who knows me, you know that I am an emotional sleeve wearer. I guess it’s the proverbial heart on your sleeve kinda thing, but that’s just me. The down side to being having emotional sleeves is that you get hurt more easily, everyone knows if you are mad/sad/happy/hurt or whatever. They may even refer to you as crazy or difficult or, heaven forbid, emotional. Oh no, not EMMOOOOTIONAL! Really? Should we all walk around like Monotone Zombies, arms straight out grunting one tone and seeking out monotony and the ability to be average? That sounds like fun! YAY!

I don’t want to be a zombie (I don’t think I would like the taste of brains anyway). I want to be have the ability to show emotion. I want people to know they made me happy, or that I love them. Emotions are good, people! Oh, and I can’t lie...there’s one positive for y’all. It is absolutely impossible for me to lie (it leaves a stain next to the heart on my sleeve).

I will continue to cry -if I need to. And, I won’t tell you not to -if you need to. Why do you think everyone in the movies is running from the zombies (besides the having your brains eaten by the living dead thing)? They can’t be happy, they can’t be sad, they just are. That’s it, that’s all. Why wouldn’t you run from something like that?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Beaver Boy and the hats

Check out this new magazine I found...right next to the Weekly World News at the grocery store. Beaver Boy is sure giving Bat Boy a run for his money!

Just kidding. This isn't a real magazine, (naw, really?). This is my brother being his usual immature self after my dad's birthday dinner.

I went home last weekend to surprise my dad for his birthday. I have to say, every time I go back to Regina, there is something new - something being built, a new store, a new sub-division...something. That city is growing like crazy and is so much nicer than when I left there 11 years ago.

My dad ordered himself a hat (called a squashy-roo) from New Zeland. It was a bit small, so he ordered another one. Now, there are two Sqaushy-Roos in their house and we HAD to goof-off a bit with them. My sister in-law, Elisha, must feel like she won the biggest lottery by marrying in to the insanity that is the Guest Family!

I had an awesome time...good food, good family and Guitar Hero. What more could I ask for? It was a nice break away from the norm....far, far away from ANYTHING normal!