Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lost and not found

I have searched everywhere. I have moved piles, untangled cords, sorted mail and emptied garbages. I looked under dressers and paint palettes and even looked in the Puggy beds under The Puggies. I hate to admit it and it makes my heart sad, but...I think it's gone.


The necklace from this post

I have no idea where, when or how it went, but I can't for the life of me find it. I bought it at Silver Lotus in The Village and it was extra awesome because it was a me from me. It was so much more than a 3/4" piece of silver with words stamped on it...worth so much more than the $48 I paid for it. It was one-of-a-kind and I felt like in some way, made just for me.

So here I sit beside myself wondering what to do. If anyone finds it, there is a REWARD offered...okay, so the reward might be just a Starbucks coffee, my endless gratitude and knowing you made my heart happy, but it's a reward none-the-less.

If you see anyone wearing it on the street, I give you full permission to judo-chop them in the neck, give them a round house kick to the torso, steal the necklace and return it to me. I promise, I won't call the proper authorities.

Lost it. Miss it. Want it back.


Wyliekat said...

Have you . . . dear god, I can't believe I'm about to say this . . . checked any puggie poop lately?

Tracy Guest said...

...and I can't believe I am gonna say this...I kinda scanned the backyard for shiny silver poo. Sadly, nothing.

Anonymous said...

Thats sad dude. I was with you when you bought that. Its soo Tracy.

But you have no idea how many times I've found accessories in my clothing piles. I don't know if you've checked, but thats what i would do. Check the last shirt you wore it with or in your pants pockets/ gym back etc.

Good luck!

Unknown said...

oh no, how sad! I hope you find it.

I think my dad might have a metal detector (my Grandpa used to go to the beach in Vancouver and find all kinds of neat things). Let me know if you get desperate enough for me to ask if we still have it!