Tuesday, December 4, 2007


When I was younger, I'd hang upside down from the couch and sing, "I am so bored –bored, bored, bored. I am so bored –bored, bored, bored." I'd drive my Mom nuts. I'd wander from room to room looking for something to do. There wasn't one thing to do in my room which was filled with toys, music, art supplies, dress-up clothes and books. There wasn't one thing to do with my brother, who was always bugging me to play. There wasn't one thing to do outside where my bike, sandbox and the park across the street were. Everything was boring. Bored. Bored. Bored.

So now, at 31, when I seem to be constantly busy and running around like a crazy person, how can I possibly feel bored? I find myself wandering from room to room, the Puggies following close behind. Guess what song is in my head! "I am so bored –bored, bored, bored. I am so bored –bored, bored, bored." How the heck on earth can I be bored?!

The Puggies have stopped following me. They are perfectly content to lay on the living room floor, chew their tug ropes and hack up a brightly colored mass of string every five minutes or so. Mikey is gone to hockey. The house is quiet, the TV is mine, I have paints and canvases, I have phone calls to return and emails to answer, Christmas baking to do, presents to buy, a new digital camera to figure out and most of all two loveable Puggies to play with. And I am bored? More like insane...

I don't know if this is a case of boredom, or more a case of "What should I do?". Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's some weird energy sucking parasite that is feeding on me....or.....maybe I am just being LAZY!!!!! I don't know. All I know is that I have about ten friends who would kill (okay, not really commit a homicide, but they might be tempted) to have a free hour, never mind a whole evening.

I don't feel like thinking about it. That's boring. I think I'll go sit on the couch and wait for something interesting to happen.


kal said...


Okay - not BOO. Three cheers for a NEW web banner. Love that Stella is on there now. Good on ya.

LOVE that there's a NEW POST! Woot!

Didn't know you were 31. Me, too!

GET OFF YOUR BUTT and either make cookies or babies. Both are gonna make you fat and at least with babies you will NEVER BE BORED!!

PS. If you have nothing to do - come over so you can help me with my work. ;)

Anonymous said...

hehehe or triplets. I'm kidding. In the meantime though, cabbage rolls are awesome with perogies