Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Glory. Happiness. I’m happy. Tired, but oh so happy. The quote is right - All glory comes from daring to begin. I think it sums up Mike and I and our life together. Every thing we have and built together began with a leap of faith of sorts. We met at work...I vowed I would never date anyone I worked with. BIG NO NO! I took the leap...and was happy for it. Never mind, that Halloween night in 2006, we had our first date AND moved in together. What was I thinking??? I knew what I was thinking, “Take the leap”. I leaped and landed in something so different and comfortable.

We dared to get our first Puggy – Guinness – loss of sleep, issues and trips to the vet with a HUGE pay off of unconditional love and endless laughs.

We dared to get our second Puggy – Stella – again, loss of sleep, loss of fur, more trips to the vet, and the same HUGE pay off. Plus, Ginny was in his glory with his new companion.

We dared to buy a house and move (this is why I am soooooo exhausted and ready to drop). It’s older, built in 1948 compared to our current 1995 model, but with the beautiful floors, awesome kitchen, big yard and 13 minute drive to work, we will make it our own and be happy there.

And the biggest leap, as of yet...we are getting married! As of last Thursday, Mikey and I are engaged. BIG LEAP!!!! BEST LEAP EVER!!!! Excited? YES! Happy? MORE THAN ANYONE COULD KNOW!

I can’t even describe the last week. Rollercoaster. Exhausted. Over-the-moon-happy-in-love and so tired feel nauseous I’m gonna go over the edge if the insanity doesn’t end soon.

The best thing is though, I am happy. We are happy. Happy together all because we dared to being this crazy thing. Imagine that.

We move on Friday. I am not ready. Three-quarters packed and all sanity gone. I am reduced to a pale, ameoba-like state as I move from place to place on auto-pilot. Work to house to other house, back to first house, sleep, up, work to house and all over again. I can’t think and everything that comes out of my mouth makes perfect sense to me, but is a foreign language to everyone else. Perhaps I’ve tapped in to some ancient form of Cave Language that only the extremely exhausted can recover from their cell memory lost through generations of evolution. Something like “Pita lunch good turkey roast” or “Need sleep please Friday”.

So, if the sentences I write are barely comprehensible, I apologize. But, I’m here, happy and ready to leap.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Delinquent. Yes, I have been a delinquent blogger. But, my only peace of mind regarding this matter comes from the fact that many of the other blogs I read have not been updated in days...yes, days, not WEEKS like mine, but at last, here I am.

The only word I have for the last few weeks of my life is INSANITY. Wait, maybe WHIRLWIND...or CHAOS...okay, so there are a few words, but it all leads to one big word. GOOD. All GOOD. So since returning after May long weekend, Mikey and I looked at a whack of houses, bought a house, did overhaul cleaning on our current house, listed our house, showed our house aaaannnnd sold our house. Meanwhile, aside from all that, I ran around with the Puggies, reconnected with an old friend I haven’t seen in 10 years and a long-lost cousin on my Dad’s side who I haven’t seen in 22 years! I also did hours of not-for-profit design work and held down a full-time job (which I don’t think I have time for anymore)! Oh, and Mike’s friends Kirstie and Ross are arriving tomorrow from England to stay with us for a week! Everyday over the past while, I thought, “Ooh! I could blog about this.” or “That would be a good post.” but it never got posted. I guess the only reason I listed all of that is to make myself feel better about the things I’ve dropped the ball on (like sending a Father’s Day card or an anniversary card for my parents) and realize that I was going through a ton of crap and was legitimately busy. So, if I’ve missed any of you, made you feel ignored or looked-over, I really apologize.

So yes, Mikey and I are leaving the Republic of Transcona (R.O.T.). We realized we were spending too much time in the car commuting to and from work and that that time could be better spend at home, with friends, with the Puggies, or together. It was getting to the point that we would leave the house at 8:20 in the morning and not get home until 5:50 at night. It sucked. We also realized that, even though we have a fuel-efficient Honda Element, that we were spending at least $300 on gas every month. Yikes! Like do we really REALLY need to pay so much for gas in a country that produces so much oil? Maybe we should realize that as a country we should stop exporting so much of our resources and keep them here while passing on valuable savings to our citizens? Ah...I digress...

St. James/Silver Heights here we come. As Mike likes to say, “The Dumkas are coming to town”. I am not a Dumka (his last name) yet, but I just let him go. He said he is going to “roll” up to the new house blasting “Straight Outta Compton” by N.W.A in a yellow jumpsuit the likes of Rza (rizz-ah) from the Wu-Tang Clan. REALLY?! No, REALLY?! Like they won’t kick us out. The new house is nice...older, but nice. It’s a 1.5 story on a 50’ x 112’ lot. LOTS of room for gardening, Puggy running and BBQs! The hardwoods are nice, the kitchen is completely redone and the rooms are big. I think my favorite part is the street. Beautiful, huge trees canopy the boulevards and front street. People walk their dogs and wave, the lawns are green and manicured and everything has that richness and history of an older, well-developed neighborhood. It’s peaceful.

I am still a bit sad to leave our house. The little things I/we did to make it ours...the fence, the quotes on the walls, the fence and the gardens. But, I am super happy that the young couple who bought it are over-the-moon crazy happy to get it. They love it, they will love it...it will have love.

New beginnings and fresh starts are good. There is nothing wrong with the way it is now, but it will be BETTER.

Breeeeaaatthhheee aaaannnnd.....PACK, MOVE, GO!