Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lost and not found

I have searched everywhere. I have moved piles, untangled cords, sorted mail and emptied garbages. I looked under dressers and paint palettes and even looked in the Puggy beds under The Puggies. I hate to admit it and it makes my heart sad, but...I think it's gone.


The necklace from this post

I have no idea where, when or how it went, but I can't for the life of me find it. I bought it at Silver Lotus in The Village and it was extra awesome because it was a me from me. It was so much more than a 3/4" piece of silver with words stamped on it...worth so much more than the $48 I paid for it. It was one-of-a-kind and I felt like in some way, made just for me.

So here I sit beside myself wondering what to do. If anyone finds it, there is a REWARD offered...okay, so the reward might be just a Starbucks coffee, my endless gratitude and knowing you made my heart happy, but it's a reward none-the-less.

If you see anyone wearing it on the street, I give you full permission to judo-chop them in the neck, give them a round house kick to the torso, steal the necklace and return it to me. I promise, I won't call the proper authorities.

Lost it. Miss it. Want it back.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Creativity Scene

Guinness is staring up at me. I am sitting in my chair in my office/studio (read: spare room that I took over and set my computer and easel up in). I have been spending a lot of time being creative lately - with color. Yes, believe it or not, I paint with color. I even painted my bathroom blue the other day! YAY ME! No black bathroom here! At any rate, Guinness and Stella are trying to get my attention after I spent another evening in my room. I wanted to post some of the creative things I have been up to lately as they make me happy!

These are Ukrainian Easter Eggs that my Mom (hey Shirl!) and I made when she was here at Easter. Yes, they still have the raw yolks in them and were made with the layers of melted bees wax and coat after coat of crazy staining dyes. It was awesome! I had tons of fun and it is very therapeutic.

This is a painting I finished the other day...I don't know what to call it, but you get it, it's a seed and sprout.

And finally, this is what I worked on all night. I started her in 2006 and never finished. But, I think she needs to be complete. A couple more hours and she might be done. I bought a couple new brushes and some more paint today (Michael's is 40% off this week) and I have to say that I didn't realize how awesome new brushes could be until I broke down and got some!!!

Now it's time for the Puggies and I to go to the couch. I think there is a new episode of the Haunting on the PVR that we need to watch until Mikey gets home from hockey....